Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Energy Saving Tips For Hot Summer Months
Posted: July 20, 2017
Keeping your home cool in the hot summer months can be as costly as keeping it warm in the wintertime. These energy-saving tips can help you minimize your electricity bill while staying cool and comfortable during the heat of the summer months: Set your thermostat to 78° or higher. This can lower your cooling bill by approximately 12%. While you are away from home, set...
Prevent Cyber Crime From Happening To Your Business
Posted: June 16, 2017
As a business person, you are concerned with making your business immune to cybercrime exposure, and with good reason. According to an article on CNBC, cybercrime cost the global economy $450 billion in 2016. Prevention is your best line of defense against cyber criminals. You will want an IT security expert to assess your company's current vulnerabilities and needs. In addition, there are certain universal...
The Importance Of Key Person Insurance For A Startup
Posted: June 1, 2017
If you are the founder of a startup, chances are that you and your co-founders live and breathe the business, and without you, the enterprise would not exist. That is why key person insurance is essential for your startup. What Is Key Person Insurance? Think of it as life insurance for your company. While a regular life insurance policy is designed to compensate the spouse...
Insurance For Classic and Exotic Cars - What You Should Know
Posted: May 25, 2017
Insurance for classic and exotic cars differs from other insurance policies. It is likely that you do not treat your classic car the same as the vehicle you use for daily commutes. In turn, you shouldn't insure it the same way either. You will want to select an insurance agent that has expertise in the nuances of classic, exotic or antique cars and offers coverage...